Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Where to begin?
Well I love Christmas and all it means.
I love shopping and getting just the right thing.
I am observant throughout the year, so I pick up on clues.
The family gatherings, baking and giving goodies to friends and neighbors... all my cup of tea.
I enjoy my adult kids immensely. They can bring me great joy and sorrow all in one day.
Warren who is always the thinker fact guy. Very soft under that serious, "to hell with the world exterior." I promise I will not try to take my gun on a plane.
Sarah who can pee her pants at the slightest funny. She really needs to know how great she is. Stop and smell the roses.
Joe.... oh Joe you are just like your Dad . Thats a good thing most of the time.
My husband is the savior of all things helpless, small and down trodden.
He was late coming home last night because he picked up a homeless guy passed ot in the snow by the park and took him to the shelter. The same man who cannot manage to put the toilet seat down.
Just things that roll around my brain all day.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Mine was good and it always causes me to stop and count my blessings.
I really have so much to be thankful for that I could fill up a whole post with things.
Yes life deals you a bad card once in awhile, but on the whole life is pretty good.
Lots of times our problems and unhappiness is caused by our own choices.
I'm choosing happiness.
Have a good long weekend and count your blessings.
Friday, November 14, 2008
After 2 nights of good sleep I do feel like super woman. I worked out at 7:30 am. Tore into my house from top to bottom ( I'm still at it I just took a break). Made a pot of chicken and noodles for a friend who had surgery today. I'm headed for the shower after this because I need to buy a new canister vac. My old one has a broken leg and I'm sick of packing it around. I might look at a couple Christmas gifts too.
If I have another good night out world I will kick butt and take names later.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Halloween has come and gone and Thanksgiving is knocking at the door. Gene and Linda and I leave next week for California to have an early Thanksgiving with Linda's kids. I'm looking forward to spending time with them.
The shop is progressing nicely. The insulation guy comes today and the plumber and electrician are soon to follow. We had a fun time riding bikes in the big empty shell.Sarah posted pictures. Somehow our outings always turn into a crazy fest.
I'm not a fan of the rain....rain rain go away!
I need to finish a couple more Christmas gifts.
I need to start getting tax stuff organized.
I need to send out little notes to people I miss and love.
I need some sleep.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Proud to be an American
I know our country is in a lot of trouble and we have a lot of problems, but I still love the USA. I'm not very political and I'm not super informed on all the issues, but I am passionate about what I care about. I believe we can all make a difference if we put forth the effort to speak up and be heard. No I am not running for any office or lobbying but I believe I make a difference. Everyday I have the opportunity to exercise my rights and freedoms. Everyday I have choices that were bought for me with the price of a human life.
I want our country to move ahead and pursue the ideals that this country was founded on. Having said that, I will say. Look on the positive side. Get out and vote. Believe that you as one individual can make a difference.
I am Pam O'Dell and I approve this message.
Please no hate mail.
Friday, October 10, 2008
TGIF and whats with the snow?

She served cookies to everyone who showed up today.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy October
Summer is definitely over and I'm in winter mode. Crock pot on the counter, oven going most everyday with something. Cooking, well baking mostly, is very therapeutic for me. I love to smell something wonderful baking warming up my house making it smell inviting.
If you read Sarahs blog she posted that I have a new machine. That is really a small statement. This is the Mother of all machines I have ever owned. It does everything but go to the fabric store for me.
It sews, embroiders, quilts, sews buttons on and does dozens of other fancy stitch functions. I love it dearly but have had to fight off " guilt of the purchase". I'm really a pretty frugal person but this machine pushed me over the edge.
I wish I had more exciting things to tell you, but I'm just not very exciting. I will share a couple new recipes with you soon. I have tried some really good new ones. Have a good week and we'll chat soon.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Also signed up to do a cookbook class with my sister Linda and my friend Kathleen. I'm about to blow a gasket with excitement.
Well Gene went on an overnight fishing trip and I hear the sewing machine calling my name. Will post a picture of my apron when its done TTFN.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Back from the fun fun.
It is more fun to watch the excitement of new beach people. It causes you to remember what took your breath away. Chance spent his whole time at Cannon Beach runnin, dancing and squealing. I think he loved it.
Tomorrow is the first of September. It sort of marks the end of summer for me. It used to be I sent all my kids back to school and started our routine again after the chaos of summer. Now I'm not sure what it means to me. I guess I'm facing it with a bit of melancholy.
I'm not a winter person so I don't look forward to that. Fall is beautiful, but the dying away of things is sort of a bummer. I do however love the holidays. I guess I'm looking forward to making some Christmas gifts and doing some baking.
On our way home from Oregon Gene asked me what I had geared up for. We always catch our breath on vacation and then hit home with renewed energy and ideas. He has a shop to build and a pool house to design and build etc etc.
I did'nt get any revelation.
So as I pondered this , I decided I'm going to shake off this funk and gear up. I'm not sure what yet but I'm priming my engine.
Linda and I joined a new gym in our neighborhood so that is a must.Everyday at least 30 minutes.
I miss my quiet times of creating and sewing so I will try to devote some extra time to that.
I also want to excersise my brain and learn something new. I have my eye on a quilting class. I have never learned to quilt. I'm certainly old enough to quilt now.
So that should keep me busy for awhile!! Maybe I can out run that cloud that keeps trying to rain on my parade.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I have never shared this much of my life with any person including my parents. We have experienced life together, lost loved ones together, grew up together and now we're growing old together. Life don't get no better than this baby.
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Theres nothing like Popsicles to cool a kid down. These three monkeys put away about a dozen of them in a short period of time. JuJu would get them out of the freezer in the garage and dole them out. Little Popsicle pusher.

With the pool filled on July 3rd we were able to swim on the 4th even though it was not totally done OMG I love to cool off in water.

The kids were fighting over all of them riding in the Barbie jeep. Well grampy remedied that. A small desk chair and a roll of duct tape. The man is truly a genius!! Note the large paver in the hood to keep it from popping a wheelie.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was raising kids, working like a dog and 10 pounds lighter.
2. Five things on today's to do list.
1. Dr appointment
2. oil change for my car
3. Car wash
4. buy new bedding
5. cook dinner for my guests
3. Snacks I enjoy
chips and salsa
red licorice
cinnamon bears
4 What would I do if I was a millionaire?
build a new church parsonage
buy and or pay off a home for each of my children
give to my favorite charity
5. 5 places I have lived
Melba Idaho
Albion Michigan
Medford Oregon
Boise Idaho
Hansen Idaho
Now I am going to tag
Sheri Z
Monday, June 16, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Waiting is over

Saturday, June 7, 2008
I'm Still Waiting!!
Waiting for a part for my microwave...ARRGG.. I think that sucker is related to Natalies microwave.
Waiting in line somewhere.
Waiting to go to work because I woke up way too early.
Waiting to get out of work because I have something to do.
Waiting for somebody to show up.
Waiting for someone to leave.
Waiting for the rain to stop.
Waiting for the d---- workers to show up and work!!
Waiting for my patience to return.
Waiting for someone to load my purchase in the truck.
Waiting waiting waiting.
Friday, May 30, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Any way, maybe it's because I'm getting older, wiser, more sensitive, all of the above.... hell I don't know, but whatever it is , it's a good idea. Lets all do our part okay.
P.S. anybody looking for a nice Ford 450 diesel with duallies? Gets about 10 miles to the gallon. Oh well it will make a nice planter.
Sunday, May 18, 2008

It is nice to be settled in and feeling like home. I hope this is our last move because this time really wore me out. It's great having my sister just around the corner, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed having her near. She has helped me so much since I have been here I can't believe it. I would still be looking for my tooth brush if it wasn't for her. Eat your heart out Sue!!
Looking forward to a fun summer with lots of get togethers. See you soon
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Welcome Home
Friday, April 4, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
April Fools
Anyone who knows our family knows we are a bunch of tricksters. We will go to great lengths to fool someone. We are always trying to one-up the other guy.
After returning home from Mexico where the car Gene was driving was stolen...yes stolen in 5 minutes never to be found again, I was coming home from youth group with my devilish teenage kids when we got the brilliant idea to fake steal Genes Bronco. I having a set of keys with me made it very easy to pull off the prank. When it was all said and done we laughed up a storm at our witty prank. All but Gene that is. Well over the years it has become harder and harder to one up the other guy with out breaking the law or endangering life and or limb.
My vote for the best prank in the last 5 years was the "BIG HOUSE SELL"
Warren and Joe were always telling us we we got old they were going to put us in a home and sell all our stuff. HAHA, big funny!
Well Gene and I had been gone to the coast for a few days and as we were driving down our street returning home we saw about 6 realtor for sale signs in our yard. Real funny boys, out drinking beer and swiping realty signs. When I unlock the front door to go in I am really freaked out. There is not one stick of furniture no pictures NOTHING!! I can see into part of the kitchen and dining area and it is also bare. Right now this is not too funny. When I come around the corner to the family room I see all of my stuff crammed in there. Do you have any idea how much effort it took to move all that stuff into there? I tell you they have never displayed that much energy to me in all their lives, yet they pulled this off in a very short period of time. Good job boys, you fooled ol Mom. Wasn't quite as much fun putting it all back, but worth the effort.
One year Joe called frantic to find his dad. Says he was trying to weld something on his truck and caught his truck on fire. This resulting in damage to the garage he had it in. Real funny Joe had it not been so believable. You see stuff happens to Joe.Stuff, just stuff. Aw, you wouldn't understand. Well I have a little more time to try to conjure up something. Hate to say but the drive to compete is waning. Maybe I'll just sit back and let them think they got me again.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
I'm calling foul!
I don't think this is fair. I have paid my dues with childbirth, pms, pimples etc. So come on mother nature give me a break. Make all those girly parts behave.
I cry easily, but to shed tears because daffodils on my table are so pretty... now isn't that a little over the top?
I'm also sometimes a little touchy about certain things, but to want to inflict bodily harm on Gene for asking me how many girl scout cookies I have eaten...a little physco don't ya think?, Really I wanted to beat him over the head with the empty box. YES I said EMPTY.
Okay, maybe I am having a few symptoms but come on...
If they would just cut me loose with my vacuum and let me clean up every speck of sawdust on the new house, I think I could calm down a little.
As of now Gene has forbid me to appear while any workers are on the premises. Whatever!!
Okay I feel better having gotten that off my chest.
Leaving at noon for a quick trip to Rexburg to see my baby...oh and also Joe and Kelsey.
Picture on Monday. Pass the premarin please.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday I selected my granite pieces and finalised the tile choices. It's really coming together now. The hardwood floors start on Monday and cabinets should go in Thursday. I am really having to reign myself in from going on a buying spree. It would be dumb at this point when I'm really not sure what I'll need.
I am really looking forward to living so close to my sister. It will be so nice to have someone to hang out with and do projects with. She really motivates me to get things done. Or maybe it's competition. Either way I seem to accomplish a lot more with her.
I gave her a bolt of upholstery fabric on Monday and she called me this morning to tell me she had finished upholstering a chair already. See what I mean? I have had that fabric for 4 years with good intentions.
Come on spring
Stop teasing us
Boo daylight savings
Boo April 15
Yeah Easter
Yeah spring break
My big son will be 30 April 3
I miss my baby Chance
I need to see my grass turn green
Monday, March 3, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Yucky Week
Today for our brief period of sunshine I went out and toured my yard. I'm getting ready to show my house so I'm seeing it's every flaw. Why is it you can live with imperfection but feel you have to show your very best to a total stranger? I think I'm going to tell prospective buyers that they have to pay extra for shower scum and toilet rings. It's also an extra charge for my neighbors leaves I have stored in my flower beds all winter.
Our new house is coming along fine. However Gene did manage to stop the painters before they put the second coat of paint on the trim. They had the wrong color and were just happy as clams they were almost finished. I bet they were not happy to see him. Ooops!!
I am also trying to purge my house of clutter and crap. I surprise myself with the stuff I hang onto. I ran across a box that was unfamiliar. When I opened it I took an hour going through it. It contained school things from my kids. Man do I feel old.
One of the things I saved out was a letter Warren wrote in second grade. His assignment was , Cinderellas letter to her stepmother, written a week after her marriage to the prince.
Dear Stepmother,
I'm happy to leave your house. And now I'm a princess. I'm going to hire someone to clean the palace. Maybe your daughters want to.
He is still just as blunt today. Gotta love honesty.
Well in my cleaning and purging I feel like a pack rat. My new goal is to pare down. Natalie ...where are you?? Help!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
This is one of my childhood favorite meals. The mass of shredded stuff at 12 o'clock is sauerkraut. The hunk directly to it's left is pork ribs which has simmered in that kraut all day. The gray sphere at the bottom of the plate is a potato dumpling. That dumpling cooked probably weighs in at about 1.5 lbs. To eat this properly you need to cut up the dumpling into bite size pieces. Next slather soft butter all over the pieces allowing it to run all over the plate. Next spear a piece of dumpling well up on the tines of the fork. Then with exposed tines scoop some sauerkraut onto the end. With your free hand grab onto an exposed end of a rib and alternately bite pork and dumpling mixture. Continue until satisfied or gacked out whichever comes first. Finish off the meal with stories about how weird and goofy your parents were.

Thursday, February 21, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Gene went off to work (AKA snowmobiling) and I decided to tear into work. Well as I sat in my sewing room eating my lunch , watching noon news I was just not motivated to do any WORK ,WORK. So instead of berating myself I decided to just stay up there and do whatever I felt like.
- I finished a really cute apron
- mended JuJu's belly dancing skirt
- almost finished a dress I started in September
- sorted and pitched magazines
- went through some pictures
- looked through a couple scrapbooking idea books
- enjoyed the sun coming in the window
- looked through furniture catalogs
Just enjoyed doing nothing. I think I could like this. I really did accomplish some things. I wrapped up my evening with a bowl of cereal for dinner and now I'm going to take a hot bath. See you tommorow.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I have been having difficulty the last couple of days getting anything accomplished. I feel distracted and unorganized. I would like to take a whole week off by myself , at home. I would work until I dropped. I would not answer the phone . I would not cook . I would not get dressed or comb my hair. I would eat whatever , whenever I felt like it. I would do every crazy project that has been plauging my mind.
- organize all my random boxes of pictures
- fill up all my empty frames
- sort and organize my thread
- sort and organize all my fabric
- clean every damn drawer in this house and throw away most of their contents
- finish my new , cool recipe book
- finish the quilts that have been waiting since 1988 ( yes Sarah, the ice cream cone one)
- throw all the clothes out of my closet and start again
- finish my window project
- write and mail all the notes I have bouncing around in my head
- clean all the things that creep me out ie window tracks , edges of carpet , light fixture the list goes on and on.
In reality I think I will take my craziness to bed with a book. Get a good nights sleep and thank God for all the good things in my life. I'm sure when I wake up all my projects will have waited for me and I will chip away at them one by one.
Monday, February 11, 2008
February 3 , some friends and family went out to the house to write scriptures on the wood before it wa covered with insulation and sheet rock. We had a good time and everyone placed their favorite scriptures in various places .
Fran was so brave , we got her a ladder so she could place hers over the entry way.
Melissa and Gabe wrote all over the place , and Joanne was putting hers around too.
Thank you to my friends and family who came to bless the very foundations of our home. I pray it will be a welcome place for all who know us. That we can provide comfort and friendship to all who enter. If you know us at all there will be lots of breaking of bread too. Thank you again.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The projects never end!

Saturday, January 26, 2008
We had a very good time visiting , relaxing and gabbing. We both did really well on our diets even though I got the crazy urge to cook one night. Ribs and twice baked potatoes and don't forget the tarts for dessert. But any damage we did that night was counter acted by the flu. Double yuck!!
I came home to a wonderfully clean house (thanks Sarah) and absolutely no food in the house (thanks Gene). But the progress on our new house was amazing. They dug the hole for the foundation on Thursday Jan. 10th. Poured the foundation on the 11th. Did the sewer and water lines , put a new pump on the well and put the floor in on the 18th. They started framing on the house 19th. All the framing is finished and the roof is on. The plumbers and siders will be there Monday. WOW! You can imagine how surprised I was when I came home. This is really going to jump start me. I have a lot of work to do and real soon.
Gene has been out there everyday watching over every detail like a hawk. I know he wants it exactly as I chose it, because I'm kind of fussy about that. He is really being meticulous. Bless his heart , he is trying to get this done and keep my mouth shut , which is no easy task. Sometimes I wonder why he keeps me.
It's always good to go away , but always good to be home. I'm going to go enjoy my own shower and my own bed. Good night !
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I am a tiny bit of a perfectionist so I always worry about making a mistake. I guess I think the IRS will just show up in the middle of the night banging on my door demanding I come out and face them. The one time I did have an audit I owed 8 dollars and it was really quite painless. The lady was very nice and never once threatened to drag me off to federal prison.However my dealings this past year with the tax commission has been less than pleasant. Due to a bad business venture we have been bombarded with tax people demanding money we personally do not owe. So I have figured out a new tax payment plan... If you owe money just give them someone else's name and phone number , then go to the post office and have all your crappy stuff forwarded to their house and you never have to worry again. Lets set back and see how that works for them.
Anyway , in all my dither I have managed in two days to get the majority of it done and will finish the rest this week-end. I am getting ready to go with my sister to California to do some visiting and relaxing so that will be one less thing to worry about. Maybe I can bring home a piece of sunshine because I am cold and ready for the snow to go away.
Get your taxes done early and don't worry they won't hurt you they only want your money.
Friday, January 4, 2008
2008 ALREADY??
It has been a good year in so many ways. I know unpleasant things have happened but I am going to take the lessons learned and move ahead swiftly.
I made a few resolutions to myself that I think I can live with. Trust me , I did not set the bar too high. I decided that I needed improvement in a few areas and now is a good time.
I am going to write more notes and letters. I love beautiful stationary and that's a good reason to share the beauty.
I am going to watch a whole movie without folding clothes.
I am going to ride my scooter 35 MPH and not be afraid.
I am going to take 20 items to the express lane and by cracky they are going to CHECK ME OUT !!
I am going to let a dirt ring form in my tub.
I am going to buy clothes that are not on sale.
I am going to spend more time with my friends. They deserve it.
I am going to be more tolerant of my own and others shortcomings. However I will still keep working on them.
I will let my family eat in the living room without having an anxiety attack.
I will turn my head the other way when my husband purchases a gas station hot dog or a krispy cream donut.
I will not go ballistic over my son leaving cigarette butts in my drive way.
I will not be distressed when Sarah does not dress her kids in snow suits to walk from the house to the car.
I will not tell my husband to turn his blinker on or off.
I will leave a drink cup in my car all night , maybe I will drive around with it all day.
I will stay in a hotel without cleaning up after myself.
Wait........... This is already too overwhelming for me. I can't possibly do all that in one year. Okay , I've narrowed it down to just spending more time with my friends. Whew.. I feel less pressure already.
God bless you and keep you in this new year. May everything you put your hands to prosper. I will be calling you for lunch!!
About Me

- Pam O.
- I am a true native Idahoan, Born at the old St. Als that used to be downtown. I am 51 and I have been married 32 years to the same man. Gasp...I think I just got a small electrical shock. I have 3 grown kids, and 4 grandbabies.