Well it is 6 a.m. Friday and I have been awake since 4 a.m. I have done this most of the week and I am ready to scream. Sues diagnosis is menopause.EEWWW!! Now I know that I'm 51 but I have had no symptoms of menopause. No hot flashes. no nothing. So you are telling me all of a sudden menopause has hit me with insomnia??
I'm calling foul!
I don't think this is fair. I have paid my dues with childbirth, pms, pimples etc. So come on mother nature give me a break. Make all those girly parts behave.
I cry easily, but to shed tears because daffodils on my table are so pretty... now isn't that a little over the top?
I'm also sometimes a little touchy about certain things, but to want to inflict bodily harm on Gene for asking me how many girl scout cookies I have eaten...a little physco don't ya think?, Really I wanted to beat him over the head with the empty box. YES I said EMPTY.
Okay, maybe I am having a few symptoms but come on...
If they would just cut me loose with my vacuum and let me clean up every speck of sawdust on the new house, I think I could calm down a little.
As of now Gene has forbid me to appear while any workers are on the premises. Whatever!!
Okay I feel better having gotten that off my chest.
Leaving at noon for a quick trip to Rexburg to see my baby...oh and also Joe and Kelsey.
Picture on Monday. Pass the premarin please.
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About Me

- Pam O.
- I am a true native Idahoan, Born at the old St. Als that used to be downtown. I am 51 and I have been married 32 years to the same man. Gasp...I think I just got a small electrical shock. I have 3 grown kids, and 4 grandbabies.
Really, do we have to be the "meanopausal" stereotype for reals?
Say it isn't so!
Yours in Sympathy,
Aren't Baby Hugs good for what ails ya?
HAHAHAHA. Ok that was funny but on the other side...get some drugs or something! If you cry when I invite you for coffee, I'll smack you! And so will Warren
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