The work on the house is progressing very quickly. The weather has had little effect. I am excited and stressed at the same time. How can appliances cost so much? How much better will my food taste coming out of a refridgerator that cost more than my used car? Will my food taste better cooked on a high tech range? It has not been that long since I bought new appliances yet I swear the prices have doubled in 5 years. I was keeping my washer and dryer because it is only 7 years old , but the washer conked out while I was gone on vacation and it could not be recesitated. So add new washer and dryer to the budget. I desperatly needed to do laundry before my new set was deliversd , so I went to a laundry mat. OMG that was a scary experience. It was 10 p.m. on a Saturday night and there were a couple of scary characters there. I made Gene go with me , thank God. I love washing clothes in the safety of my own little basement.

The girls have been excited and want to go to the house as often as we will take them. They walk through telling me where everything is. They are so cute. We went out last Thursday and had a bon fire and snowball fight. Tons of fun.

Hope somebody cleans this pile of rubble up before I move in.

Staying warm by the fire.
OMG! Pam. Isn't that what we work and slave for. Life never stops bringing us things to do and fun to have! Of course your food will taste sooo much better in a new house on new appliances. You just have Sarah over and try all your favorite recipes out as soon as you can ;)
Those girls are tooo cute. Gotta love snowball fights and bonfires. Glad you are enjoying the cold and snow.
GREAT to finally "see" the new house....I am thrilled for you!
Yes appliances are "oober" expensive and of course your fod will taste better with all that new tech.stuff they have! Yeah for you....and Kathleen is EXACTLY correct.....isn't this all that we hope and work for all our lives? After all....you'll have "brand spanken new" potties...no one has ever used before....LOL
Take care dear one...and enjoy the new digs going up.....I am totally thrilled for you. Hi to that daughter of yours! How are those cute grand-babies doing?
Huggers from the drifting plains.....
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