Having been down since Friday with "THE KRUD" that's what doc in the box diagnosed, sore throat, headache ,cough , body aches , I now feel like I am on the up side of wellness.
Sometimes when you are in the middle of something yucky it's hard to remember what feeling good feels like.
Last night lying awake at 3 a.m. with the decongestant jitters, I did a lot of pondering and praying. I love spending alone time with God.. no phones , no people , no interruptions. I was reminded of how blessed I am in every way. That every breath I take is a gift.
Sometimes in the business of life we get so busy trying to take care of things and fix things and do things that we lose focus of the answer to all things.
I hate it when I do that !!Then I go, Hey wait a minute , God this is your gig what do you want done? Then the hard part comes when you have to be still and listen to that still small voice that speaks to you everyday if you will only listen. Trust me , God runs my life way better than I could ever dream of. He's not pushy or demanding and He will always let you do it your way if you insist. I guess I'm having confession time here. I have been running way too fast and it's time to slow down and listen. Okay, having said that I will sell you this preaching transcript for a 5 dollar donation. JUST KIDDING111 Sarah calls me the elevator evangelist , but that's a story for another time. Take some time today and talk to God, I promise you He has something interesting to say , just for you.
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About Me

- Pam O.
- I am a true native Idahoan, Born at the old St. Als that used to be downtown. I am 51 and I have been married 32 years to the same man. Gasp...I think I just got a small electrical shock. I have 3 grown kids, and 4 grandbabies.
WARNING: Don't get into an elevator with her!
Pam: Where you going?
Stranger: I'm going up.
Pam: Are you sure?
Stranger:Well, um I think so.
Sarah: Oh god, pay no attention to the elevator evangelist.
Thanks for the reminder!
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