I am off to Rexburg on Tuesday to help my kids get into their house , but mostly to see my little fat baby boy. He has been gone almost a month and I am having me the hankerin for some fat baby smooches. His birthday is the 20Th and he will be one year old. Seems just yesterday that we were scrubbing up to see him in NICU. You would never guess he was a preemie. He is the happiest baby I have ever seen. I hope JuJu doesn't teach him her wily ways. See you next Monday. Maybe I can thrill you with some new grammy photos. Take care and don't forget how much you have to be thankful for.
Geea, that baby is cute! We're bummed we can't go!
What a fantastic baby smile!
I want to squeeze him!
Thanks for the photo, Pam and have a great time with them!
I can't believe how big he is and that he will be 1 already!!! Doesn't seem like that long ago he was born! Have fun visiting him.
Hope you have fun! Say hi to Joe from us.
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