Anyway , growing up in a big family was ...... I'm looking for the best descriptive word..... interesting. There was always someone to play with. There was never a quiet moment , and there was always just enough... most of the time. We definitely learned to share and to fend for ourselves. Its funny how families go. You are all raised in the same house with the same parents , yet you all turn out so differently.
Valerie , oh yes this is about her. Obviously she was not at home when I was born so we did not do the growing up together thing. She was always this older ,glamorous, travel around , live in California mystery. I remember she taught dance lessons at Arthur Murray dance studio in Medford Oregon. I would see her get dressed for work and she looked like a movie star to me. I was 6 years old so you know I was stricken by the long nails, makeup and beautiful dresses. She was a stunning woman. When I was 13 she came to visit us in Boise and she was driving a red Oldsmobile convertible , complete with Jackie O sunglasses , scarf , the whole nine yards. I was so proud to have her drop me off at school.
Well I'm not 13 anymore and she does not wear beautiful dresses anymore but she can still awe me with her stories of younger days. She looks and acts so much like my dad its amazing.
The other people in the photo are , left to right, Joanne , Valerie , myself , Linda. We all live in town and try to see each other as much as we can. $ of us are missing from the photo. Judy the second oldest who lives in Melba is absent because she is livin it up. Her husband retired last year from farming and they are blazin a trail across the U.S. and parts unknown on there Harley's and in their 5th wheel and boat. Dianna is next after me and the last known address was somewhere in Alaska. She is reclusive and is happy with her cats. Ed my one and only brother whom I have not heard from or seen in 3 years I believe lives somewhere in Oregon. The boy marches to the beat of a different drummer. When he does appear its worth the visit for sure. Angela my youngest sister lives in Nampa. The baby child syndrome is her mantra.
But for all their craziness and weirdness and oddities, I love them all dearly. We have a common thread that runs amongst us all. They are the only people in the world who truly know me , know where I came from and how I got here.So HAPPY HAPPY Birthday to you Old sister. Hope we celebrate many more together. Love recalling the old family stories that only we can appreciate.
Duh the $ was suppose to be a 4.
You can go back and fix it.
Darn, I was hoping for some deep dark meaning to that dollar sign....a typo? Blah
Big familes are great.....as you know I am from one too.You get all these very different people presenting a very...usually..united front!
Love ya, Sheri
Thats why I love you girls so much , we are of kindred spirits.
Hey Sarah, You do not need to point out my incompetence on the computer. It took all of my brain cell power just to post the one funky picture. Cut me some slack.....I'M DANCING AS FAST AS I CAN.
GREAT photo and memories Pammer.....:o)
Glad to hear that not all families are perfect....sometimes growing up...you think yours is the only one not "functioning" in the "perfect" way that everyone elses is......
Families come in all shapes and sizes......my dearly beloved friends are my family....and I love them as no others.....:o)
I am so blessed by so many members in my family....we love and care for us all....and share life,love and memories... abundantly. I am truly blessed.
Glad you have the time and made the efforts to get together. However....I think somewhere there must be a photo of those "Jackie O" glasses in that convertable though.....don't you? (wink)
Hugs my friend....from the land of not so dry as it use to be...LOL
A beautiful tribute. You forget, I know where you came from. I'll never forget the time I was sleeping in the top bunk with you at your little red house. Sometime after the witching hour I woke up for some unknown reason, and was scared out of my jammies having been visited by an apparition lurking above the bed. I waffled between squeezing my eyes shut hoping it would leave me alone, and trying to see it without it seeing me. I was so scared. Trying hard not to breathe, or make a motion. Of course years later I tell myself it was just Joanne.....but was it really? Hmmm.... Guess I'll never know for sure!
Love hearing stories about large families...they sound so interesting! It is amazing how children from the same parents and same home can be so completely different! I also don't have memories of living with my oldest brother either...I was seven when he got married! Hope your sister has a great birthday...and, how nice to be able to all be in the same town to celebrate.
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