Monday, September 10, 2007

I like pictures

This picture has nothing to do with my post , I just liked it.
You know when you reach the place where your sick and tired of a certain thing and you are ready to do something about it? Well I'm sick and tired. Sick and tired of being out of shape and mushy. In 2 years I have gained 10 lbs. Not a big deal in the whole scope of things , but 10 lbs goes straight to my butt and belly. My face , arms , calves, nothing gets the weight but those 2 areas. Big butt , scrawny ankles...not a good look.
My husband and I used to ballroom dance at least 3 times a week. That was enough exercise to eat a big mac daily and still make a pair of jeans look good. Well we slowly got out of that because we allowed other things to take priority and now I am sorry. I hate exercise!!! I like working , dancing , playing , anything that gives you a workout. But when you label it as exercise I suddenly dread it and start the countdown to when I will be finished. I know its all in my head , but still
So I have made my self a promise that I will be back into my old clothes by Christmas. Now that's a reasonable goal if I stick with it. I have made myself all sorts of deals about rewards I will receive if I am successful. I know that sounds like bribery , and well it is , but oh well. Mostly I need to take my whole body and tighten it up. Easier said than done when you are 50. I still have the same body , everything is 5 inches lower than before UGH!!
Don't invite me to dinner or lunch unless I can do an accurate points count. Don't invite me to a movie if you plan on eating yummy, salty ,buttery popcorn in front of me. In fact it may be best if I just hibernate until I get a grip on this.
Really I can do this , I've done it before. It just seems harder this time. Have a good day!! Tell someone you luv em'


sara :) said...

I'm to that point, too! I weigh more now than I did a few weeks after having my last baby-and he just turned one last week! Sadly, I got rid of all my old clothes so maybe if I ever reach my goal I'll have to buy all new ones. Good luck with your 'exercising!'

Kathleen Lee said...

Melissa, Erica and I are in our 6th week of our own "Biggest Loser" contest.Erica took it seriously and hit it real hard. She is going to be the hands down winner on sunday. We're really glad for her, but we have decided to get real and have started plans for the next six weeks. Mel and I have been lifting weights for years, but both sloughed off the last year. Consequently I gained 15 lbs. ICK! So, don't feel alone out there Pam. I was thinking of calling you for lunch, but didn't want to blow my diet. So, maybe we could do a salad lunch sometime?

Keep on dancin'!

Kathleen Lee said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you, the winner gets treated to a day at the spa!


Anonymous said...

Hey Pammer.....right there with you. Try breaking your ankel and taking steriods for 11 months....UGH! (and I am still gimping...LOL)But alas dear friend...we are all in the same boat together. I would KILL to only have ten pounds to loose...but you know it is a very personal thing to everyone and we WILL succeed!!!!So lets all "bond" together and do this with help! We are surely all needing the empathy and compassion of our friends to do lets just start. By Christmas, I would LOVE to get us all together and just have a great time doing something. Maybe a "we lost it" crop! I'll come your way and we'll all get together and crop because we have succeeded!!!!!
Maybe it's not the "pounds" we'll see on the scale...maybe its just loosing enough to feel good in those old clothes! I say lets do it! (We'll have to feed Sarah some cookies of something though...LOL) Skinny minny that she is.
Kathleen...are you on board?
Have a great day my friend....GREAT photo of the angels by the way.
Huggers from the beef and potato town...LOL

Anonymous said...

Sara...are you game girlfren?
XO hugs to you...

Kathleen Lee said...
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Kathleen Lee said...

I'd rather be "on board" than "bored", count me in!

gabe said...

You can do it!


About Me

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I am a true native Idahoan, Born at the old St. Als that used to be downtown. I am 51 and I have been married 32 years to the same man. Gasp...I think I just got a small electrical shock. I have 3 grown kids, and 4 grandbabies.