This is the cool cruiser Warren made out of random bike parts. I love a nice white wall. The baskets will come in handy for yard sailing.

Here is Warren tuning up his banjo for a little after dinner entertainment. Every time I try to sing along Joe punches Warren. Kind of interrupts the flow of pickin.

Here's Joe obviously trying to one up his brother.Sorry Joe Warren has one on you.

The whole family sits down to ribs, corn on the cob, salad, YUMMY... you need to stay in your own space to avoid injury during this food fest.

Kelsey, devouring Joes birthday cake. She only had one bite of meat and 2 kernels of corn so she was able to have cake. Skinny brat!!

It was Joe and Kelseys last night in town. They head to Rexburg in the morning. Man I'm gonna miss em. We will be heading there on the 20th for Chances 1st birthday and to bring their washer and dryer they didnt have room for. Joes birthday is Saturday, he will be 25, my baby 25. Go figure that one. Have a fun Friday. Tell someone you love them. See you tomorrow.
Love this Pam! Kind of makes me want to have a family bbq. Oh wait, I always have family bbq's! Ok, we're about due for the end of summer blowout though. When I get back for sure.
Cool pics! And tell Warren that the bike he made look awesome, very talented. So how much to make one for Melissa?
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