Friday, February 29, 2008
Yucky Week
Today for our brief period of sunshine I went out and toured my yard. I'm getting ready to show my house so I'm seeing it's every flaw. Why is it you can live with imperfection but feel you have to show your very best to a total stranger? I think I'm going to tell prospective buyers that they have to pay extra for shower scum and toilet rings. It's also an extra charge for my neighbors leaves I have stored in my flower beds all winter.
Our new house is coming along fine. However Gene did manage to stop the painters before they put the second coat of paint on the trim. They had the wrong color and were just happy as clams they were almost finished. I bet they were not happy to see him. Ooops!!
I am also trying to purge my house of clutter and crap. I surprise myself with the stuff I hang onto. I ran across a box that was unfamiliar. When I opened it I took an hour going through it. It contained school things from my kids. Man do I feel old.
One of the things I saved out was a letter Warren wrote in second grade. His assignment was , Cinderellas letter to her stepmother, written a week after her marriage to the prince.
Dear Stepmother,
I'm happy to leave your house. And now I'm a princess. I'm going to hire someone to clean the palace. Maybe your daughters want to.
He is still just as blunt today. Gotta love honesty.
Well in my cleaning and purging I feel like a pack rat. My new goal is to pare down. Natalie ...where are you?? Help!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
This is one of my childhood favorite meals. The mass of shredded stuff at 12 o'clock is sauerkraut. The hunk directly to it's left is pork ribs which has simmered in that kraut all day. The gray sphere at the bottom of the plate is a potato dumpling. That dumpling cooked probably weighs in at about 1.5 lbs. To eat this properly you need to cut up the dumpling into bite size pieces. Next slather soft butter all over the pieces allowing it to run all over the plate. Next spear a piece of dumpling well up on the tines of the fork. Then with exposed tines scoop some sauerkraut onto the end. With your free hand grab onto an exposed end of a rib and alternately bite pork and dumpling mixture. Continue until satisfied or gacked out whichever comes first. Finish off the meal with stories about how weird and goofy your parents were.

Thursday, February 21, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Gene went off to work (AKA snowmobiling) and I decided to tear into work. Well as I sat in my sewing room eating my lunch , watching noon news I was just not motivated to do any WORK ,WORK. So instead of berating myself I decided to just stay up there and do whatever I felt like.
- I finished a really cute apron
- mended JuJu's belly dancing skirt
- almost finished a dress I started in September
- sorted and pitched magazines
- went through some pictures
- looked through a couple scrapbooking idea books
- enjoyed the sun coming in the window
- looked through furniture catalogs
Just enjoyed doing nothing. I think I could like this. I really did accomplish some things. I wrapped up my evening with a bowl of cereal for dinner and now I'm going to take a hot bath. See you tommorow.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I have been having difficulty the last couple of days getting anything accomplished. I feel distracted and unorganized. I would like to take a whole week off by myself , at home. I would work until I dropped. I would not answer the phone . I would not cook . I would not get dressed or comb my hair. I would eat whatever , whenever I felt like it. I would do every crazy project that has been plauging my mind.
- organize all my random boxes of pictures
- fill up all my empty frames
- sort and organize my thread
- sort and organize all my fabric
- clean every damn drawer in this house and throw away most of their contents
- finish my new , cool recipe book
- finish the quilts that have been waiting since 1988 ( yes Sarah, the ice cream cone one)
- throw all the clothes out of my closet and start again
- finish my window project
- write and mail all the notes I have bouncing around in my head
- clean all the things that creep me out ie window tracks , edges of carpet , light fixture the list goes on and on.
In reality I think I will take my craziness to bed with a book. Get a good nights sleep and thank God for all the good things in my life. I'm sure when I wake up all my projects will have waited for me and I will chip away at them one by one.
Monday, February 11, 2008
February 3 , some friends and family went out to the house to write scriptures on the wood before it wa covered with insulation and sheet rock. We had a good time and everyone placed their favorite scriptures in various places .
Fran was so brave , we got her a ladder so she could place hers over the entry way.
Melissa and Gabe wrote all over the place , and Joanne was putting hers around too.
Thank you to my friends and family who came to bless the very foundations of our home. I pray it will be a welcome place for all who know us. That we can provide comfort and friendship to all who enter. If you know us at all there will be lots of breaking of bread too. Thank you again.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The projects never end!

About Me

- Pam O.
- I am a true native Idahoan, Born at the old St. Als that used to be downtown. I am 51 and I have been married 32 years to the same man. Gasp...I think I just got a small electrical shock. I have 3 grown kids, and 4 grandbabies.