Saturday, September 29, 2007
Fun pictures
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
When your HOT your HOT!!
When I was in the produce section at Walmart today selecting my healthy nutritious weight watcher food , a very dapper OLD (80) gentleman struck up a conversation with me about the price of watermelon. Everyone who knows me knows I'm a geriatric male magnet. Well , in his very Italian accent he proceeds to tell me how much better the fruit and champagne are in his
country and how inferior and expensive it is here. Welcome to America I say, thinking that we just made comments in passing........... OH NO.. I have to hear about the plight that killed all the grapes therefore they being unable to make this fab drink blah blah blah.. He tells me he is an anatomy professor and guesses I'm about 45. Okay so now I'm starting to warm up to him. Maybe I was hasty in my irritation. Then he compliments me on my beautiful teeth 3 times and tells me the proper way to brush. Hello.. I obviously know how to brush with these gorgeous horse teeth. Then he tells me I look healthy because I am slim and have nice teeth. Oh my God, I think I heard a little bell tinkle. Anyway I finally was able to give him the brush off by saying how glad I was to have met him and hoped I would see him again. He said he was really glad to see me because today his eyes were working so well. What??? Anyway I hope when I am old that some young feller will humor me by giving me the time of day. I'm sure his step was a little lighter after having such stimulating conversation with such a young woman with such nice teeth. How pathetic is this that I truly am complimented today. Oh well, like I said when your HOT your HOT.
country and how inferior and expensive it is here. Welcome to America I say, thinking that we just made comments in passing........... OH NO.. I have to hear about the plight that killed all the grapes therefore they being unable to make this fab drink blah blah blah.. He tells me he is an anatomy professor and guesses I'm about 45. Okay so now I'm starting to warm up to him. Maybe I was hasty in my irritation. Then he compliments me on my beautiful teeth 3 times and tells me the proper way to brush. Hello.. I obviously know how to brush with these gorgeous horse teeth. Then he tells me I look healthy because I am slim and have nice teeth. Oh my God, I think I heard a little bell tinkle. Anyway I finally was able to give him the brush off by saying how glad I was to have met him and hoped I would see him again. He said he was really glad to see me because today his eyes were working so well. What??? Anyway I hope when I am old that some young feller will humor me by giving me the time of day. I'm sure his step was a little lighter after having such stimulating conversation with such a young woman with such nice teeth. How pathetic is this that I truly am complimented today. Oh well, like I said when your HOT your HOT.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Man them taters is big!!
I arrived home from Rexburg today safe and sound. Had a wonderful time with Kelseys family and Chances birthday party. Ann is so gracious to let me come in and take over her house like I live there. I just boss everyone around and act like I know what I'm doing. I will get the hint if they are out of town the nexxt time I come. They sent home some of the biggest spuds I have ever seen. I will post a picture of Kelsey in the spud truck. What a gal!! She hopped in that truck and drove it like nobodies business , all 100 pounds of her. We got to do some work on Joe and Kelseys house. There is more to do but it has come a long ways. I feel much better now that I got to survey the place and lay my hands to it. They are excited to get moved in and settled. I will try to run up again in a few weeks and help some more. I'm tired and need to get some stuff done. I will post fun pictures as soon as Sarah comes to show me with my new camera. I'm excited about our biggest loser contest. WOW are women competitive or what?? Everyone will do great even if they win or not. Oh puke , who am I kidding? you know we are out for blood!! I'm living on Kashi and water until Nov. Happy healthy habits girls.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Here I come Baby
I am off to Rexburg on Tuesday to help my kids get into their house , but mostly to see my little fat baby boy. He has been gone almost a month and I am having me the hankerin for some fat baby smooches. His birthday is the 20Th and he will be one year old. Seems just yesterday that we were scrubbing up to see him in NICU. You would never guess he was a preemie. He is the happiest baby I have ever seen. I hope JuJu doesn't teach him her wily ways. See you next Monday. Maybe I can thrill you with some new grammy photos. Take care and don't forget how much you have to be thankful for.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Can we have a storm?
I would really like to have a good wind , rain storm to clear out this awful air. It seems to be affecting me more than usual and I'm ready to be done with it.
Okay so you read my blog about getting in shape and losing weight , right? Well Jann and Kathleen if you are making this a contest lets get together and lay down the rules. I'm not good at competition I get way too nervous , like before a test in school , but if it would cause us to all get together and party at the end I'm all for it.
I have gone to the Y everyday this week. Some days I walked on the treadmill and some days I did a few weights. Anything is better than nothing at this point. I'm trying to follow the weight watchers plan and am doing okay.
Friday I had the girls and we had to run errands all morning. They were very good , especially JuJu. I think she saves up the terror for her Mom because she loves her Mom the most. My oldest son Warren loved me the most, that's why I got the most everything from him.
After having lunch at Carls Jr. we had one more quick errand downtown. Olivia was tired and had a bit of a melt down because we had to leave the play area. Jamie decided to lighten things up after we were in the car by placing fries between each of her toes and then eating them. Her talent never ceases to amaze me. We did enjoy the show . Have a good weekend!!
Okay so you read my blog about getting in shape and losing weight , right? Well Jann and Kathleen if you are making this a contest lets get together and lay down the rules. I'm not good at competition I get way too nervous , like before a test in school , but if it would cause us to all get together and party at the end I'm all for it.
I have gone to the Y everyday this week. Some days I walked on the treadmill and some days I did a few weights. Anything is better than nothing at this point. I'm trying to follow the weight watchers plan and am doing okay.
Friday I had the girls and we had to run errands all morning. They were very good , especially JuJu. I think she saves up the terror for her Mom because she loves her Mom the most. My oldest son Warren loved me the most, that's why I got the most everything from him.
After having lunch at Carls Jr. we had one more quick errand downtown. Olivia was tired and had a bit of a melt down because we had to leave the play area. Jamie decided to lighten things up after we were in the car by placing fries between each of her toes and then eating them. Her talent never ceases to amaze me. We did enjoy the show . Have a good weekend!!
Monday, September 10, 2007
I like pictures
This picture has nothing to do with my post , I just liked it.
You know when you reach the place where your sick and tired of a certain thing and you are ready to do something about it? Well I'm sick and tired. Sick and tired of being out of shape and mushy. In 2 years I have gained 10 lbs. Not a big deal in the whole scope of things , but 10 lbs goes straight to my butt and belly. My face , arms , calves, nothing gets the weight but those 2 areas. Big butt , scrawny ankles...not a good look.
My husband and I used to ballroom dance at least 3 times a week. That was enough exercise to eat a big mac daily and still make a pair of jeans look good. Well we slowly got out of that because we allowed other things to take priority and now I am sorry. I hate exercise!!! I like working , dancing , playing , anything that gives you a workout. But when you label it as exercise I suddenly dread it and start the countdown to when I will be finished. I know its all in my head , but still
So I have made my self a promise that I will be back into my old clothes by Christmas. Now that's a reasonable goal if I stick with it. I have made myself all sorts of deals about rewards I will receive if I am successful. I know that sounds like bribery , and well it is , but oh well. Mostly I need to take my whole body and tighten it up. Easier said than done when you are 50. I still have the same body , everything is 5 inches lower than before UGH!!
Don't invite me to dinner or lunch unless I can do an accurate points count. Don't invite me to a movie if you plan on eating yummy, salty ,buttery popcorn in front of me. In fact it may be best if I just hibernate until I get a grip on this.
Really I can do this , I've done it before. It just seems harder this time. Have a good day!! Tell someone you luv em'
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Happy Birthday to Valerie

Anyway , growing up in a big family was ...... I'm looking for the best descriptive word..... interesting. There was always someone to play with. There was never a quiet moment , and there was always just enough... most of the time. We definitely learned to share and to fend for ourselves. Its funny how families go. You are all raised in the same house with the same parents , yet you all turn out so differently.
Valerie , oh yes this is about her. Obviously she was not at home when I was born so we did not do the growing up together thing. She was always this older ,glamorous, travel around , live in California mystery. I remember she taught dance lessons at Arthur Murray dance studio in Medford Oregon. I would see her get dressed for work and she looked like a movie star to me. I was 6 years old so you know I was stricken by the long nails, makeup and beautiful dresses. She was a stunning woman. When I was 13 she came to visit us in Boise and she was driving a red Oldsmobile convertible , complete with Jackie O sunglasses , scarf , the whole nine yards. I was so proud to have her drop me off at school.
Well I'm not 13 anymore and she does not wear beautiful dresses anymore but she can still awe me with her stories of younger days. She looks and acts so much like my dad its amazing.
The other people in the photo are , left to right, Joanne , Valerie , myself , Linda. We all live in town and try to see each other as much as we can. $ of us are missing from the photo. Judy the second oldest who lives in Melba is absent because she is livin it up. Her husband retired last year from farming and they are blazin a trail across the U.S. and parts unknown on there Harley's and in their 5th wheel and boat. Dianna is next after me and the last known address was somewhere in Alaska. She is reclusive and is happy with her cats. Ed my one and only brother whom I have not heard from or seen in 3 years I believe lives somewhere in Oregon. The boy marches to the beat of a different drummer. When he does appear its worth the visit for sure. Angela my youngest sister lives in Nampa. The baby child syndrome is her mantra.
But for all their craziness and weirdness and oddities, I love them all dearly. We have a common thread that runs amongst us all. They are the only people in the world who truly know me , know where I came from and how I got here.So HAPPY HAPPY Birthday to you Old sister. Hope we celebrate many more together. Love recalling the old family stories that only we can appreciate.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Singin' in the rain
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Cussy McGee
This is Jamie , JuJu, Rogers. She will be 3 years old in December. She pretty much runs the show around here and anywhere else she goes for that matter.
She is trying to get my attention in the kitchen by pounding on the door and making piggy faces.
Well after much pounding and hollering she suceeded.
Heres a whole bag of cookies, now go away and find your Mom. Tell her you need windex. I love you cussy, the most in the world.

Monday, September 3, 2007
Wake up, it's GOD here.
Having been down since Friday with "THE KRUD" that's what doc in the box diagnosed, sore throat, headache ,cough , body aches , I now feel like I am on the up side of wellness.
Sometimes when you are in the middle of something yucky it's hard to remember what feeling good feels like.
Last night lying awake at 3 a.m. with the decongestant jitters, I did a lot of pondering and praying. I love spending alone time with God.. no phones , no people , no interruptions. I was reminded of how blessed I am in every way. That every breath I take is a gift.
Sometimes in the business of life we get so busy trying to take care of things and fix things and do things that we lose focus of the answer to all things.
I hate it when I do that !!Then I go, Hey wait a minute , God this is your gig what do you want done? Then the hard part comes when you have to be still and listen to that still small voice that speaks to you everyday if you will only listen. Trust me , God runs my life way better than I could ever dream of. He's not pushy or demanding and He will always let you do it your way if you insist. I guess I'm having confession time here. I have been running way too fast and it's time to slow down and listen. Okay, having said that I will sell you this preaching transcript for a 5 dollar donation. JUST KIDDING111 Sarah calls me the elevator evangelist , but that's a story for another time. Take some time today and talk to God, I promise you He has something interesting to say , just for you.
Sometimes when you are in the middle of something yucky it's hard to remember what feeling good feels like.
Last night lying awake at 3 a.m. with the decongestant jitters, I did a lot of pondering and praying. I love spending alone time with God.. no phones , no people , no interruptions. I was reminded of how blessed I am in every way. That every breath I take is a gift.
Sometimes in the business of life we get so busy trying to take care of things and fix things and do things that we lose focus of the answer to all things.
I hate it when I do that !!Then I go, Hey wait a minute , God this is your gig what do you want done? Then the hard part comes when you have to be still and listen to that still small voice that speaks to you everyday if you will only listen. Trust me , God runs my life way better than I could ever dream of. He's not pushy or demanding and He will always let you do it your way if you insist. I guess I'm having confession time here. I have been running way too fast and it's time to slow down and listen. Okay, having said that I will sell you this preaching transcript for a 5 dollar donation. JUST KIDDING111 Sarah calls me the elevator evangelist , but that's a story for another time. Take some time today and talk to God, I promise you He has something interesting to say , just for you.
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About Me

- Pam O.
- I am a true native Idahoan, Born at the old St. Als that used to be downtown. I am 51 and I have been married 32 years to the same man. Gasp...I think I just got a small electrical shock. I have 3 grown kids, and 4 grandbabies.