Today was FUN FRIDAY. The weather being as it was we decided to have lunch at my house then watch a movie. All of the kids were too wound up to sit still and watch the movie. I seriously doubt that it had anything to do with Halloween candy , cookies , and juice boxes.
That's an old wives tale. Anyway I thought it had stopped raining so I told them we could walk to the park around the corner from my house. By the time we got shoes and coats on it was pouring rain again.
Grampy saved the day by making all the kids raincoats out of trash bags. Well not all of the kids because as you can see Isabel had a beautiful store bought rain coat.
That's because she is an only child and her parents have real jobs. (Simmer down I'm Only joking).
Grampy offered to
make Melissa and I rain coats out of yard bags but we told him to stuff the bags...... with leaves that is.
Off we go down the street looking like a local day care. We explored yards and Halloween decorations. It was fun and we came home and threw
every ones clothes in the dryer after we promised Jonathan no one would look at his
chinos.Not sure I spelled that right but it means underwear.
I love having them over for fun Fridays because its such a party for the girls. They plan food and activities and you would think by their excitement it was Christmas. Well worth the effort. Hey maybe us grownups should have a fun Friday. Eat , watch movies ,run in the rain.................
I'm all for Fun Fridays!
That's great!
It's chonies. Hard O.
I LOVE a bunch of "trash bags beauties"....tell "Grampy" he did an awesome job!
Glad to know that you all had a good time.
Huggers from taterville.
Hey PamO where are you?
I hate it when you and Sarah aren't blogging :(
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