This is my new scooter. New scooter you say, don't you already have a scooter? Well this is
actually my third scooter. Scooter number one could not hold up under submarine conditions so we
buried her at sea. Scooter number two was in a drunk driving accident ( I was not the drinker or the driver) and sustained serious head injuries. She is functioning but is impaired and will require extensive physical therapy. We have decided to keep her because she is part of the family. I chose to adopt Lucy ,
that's her name, because she just speaks my language. She likes to cruise at about 25 to 30 mph. She does not like rain or crowded streets. She doesn't like cold so she prefers to be in the garage. She REALLY doesn't like kids so I have to keep her put away when my kids come to visit. In fact I'm not even sure my kids know we have adopted a new girl so we may just keep this between you and I....

If you see us cruising around give us a wave and a honk.
To set the record straight...I was not the drunk driver. I did, however, ride on the back of that scooter while it was being driven by the drunk driver in question and let me tell you...well, actually I won't. Oh, I wasn't on it at the time of the accident.
Who was that submarine driver?! Hmmm...must have been Joe. Or maybe the submarine driver was under direct instructions from her superior that it would be ok to ford the canal?!?!
I think you just need to keep all motorized vehicles away from your children and have them walk everywhere so they learn how to be responsible with other peoples vehicles. Nuff said
Thank you for that insightful parental advice. It is very helpful. However I feel someone with much greater authority than I will do that job for me.
Pam O, I was so looking forward to the "Pink Ladies Scooter Club"! Now what am I to do with the satin jackets I was saving for Christmas? Not to take anything away from Lucy, I love her coloring.
Will be keeping a watchful eye out for ya!
I thought Sarah was the "submarine diver-driver....LOL...but then again...I might have been "mis-informed"...LOL Glad to hear that "Lucy" and you are now a "team" once more....I am sure that she will like her new home!Brindon and I once got "hit on" when driving a beamer convertable by a whole bunch of "Scooter boys"...LOL are you laughing Brindon?....we were at a stop sign and several of the little buggers hit on us...calling us babe's and blondies...and "oogling over our car. Alas however Pammer's...the oldest one was probably 10 and they had a "different kind" of scooter....self propelled as I recall.....LOL
SO you little "Scooter Mama" you.....have fun cruising...and thanks for the update......!!!!!!!!
Huggers from the skies that LOOK warm...but are famous for fooling one's eye!
Let's die them hon!
I nixed the pink scooter because I recently found out I'm allergic to pink. When I'm around pink I feel hot and nauseous. Crazy I know but allergies can come on later in life and really hit ya. I love the retro green, its so much classier.I'm sure you can design us something fab Kathleen , lots of stuff goes with green.
Sarah was indeed the submarine driver although she blames it on her superiors. I have not had anyone hit on me yet but I have not made it over to cruise the parking lots of the assisted living places either. I'm waiting for Kathleen to get our jackets ready first. My older sister Judy rides a Harley so I'm sure if she sees me on my scooter she will hit me. She will claim it was a mercy killing. Friends don't let friends drive scooters pact all the Harley chics make.
LOL Pam, you are too funny! Love your new ride. :o)
It must be awful to be allergic to pink. I'm sure lots of unsuspecting souls just think you must have pink eye at those flare ups. Not to worry, PamO, I happen to be fond of green, being Irish and all. I'm sure I can come up with a worthy solution. I'm hoping when I finish them, you'll invite me to cruise the assisted living parking lot with you. One can only hope!
putt putt puttt........
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