I know that it's been awhile and I have no excuses. I guess I'm just not as efficient as I used to be . Anyway a lot of time has gone by and a lot of things have happened.
Thanksgiving for us started the Tuesday before and ended the Sunday after. We also squeezed in our family Christmas party on the Saturday after , because Joe and Kelsey will not be home for Christmas.
So as I was throwing the turkey carcass out the back door I was
draggin the Christmas tree in the front. Had it up decorated and presents under it in less than 12 hours after turkey day. Wow , I feel almost as pushy as a retailer.
Then on Monday the 26
Th the Billy Joel concert , good but not as good as James Taylor. Can you tell I'm somewhat
prejudiced? Work , appointments and then sick on Friday , Saturday, but today I think I will live. I tested my strength by going to the Mall after church to Christmas shop. I did manage to have lunch with my future daughter-in-law Casey, by 3 pairs of jeans and a sweater for myself before I became too weak and tired to purchase any gifts....WHEW..
That's okay because I plan on devoting all of Wednesday to marathon shopping. So heads up kids if you don't give me ideas you will get whatever my wild imagination can conjure up.
I am still working on
retrieving costaween pictures and I also have some great pictures of arm and leg wrestling at our Christmas party. By the way Melissa flipped me like an
IHop pancake. I did flip Joe but then he wised up and was undefeated until his Dad whipped him .
You may be a red neck if the girls arm and leg wrestle at the family Christmas party. We had played
wii on Thanksgiving and I think the boxing is what got us all fired up for some real contact sports. Although I must say Sarah was quite entertaining
wii boxing Jimmy. I will post the short video if I can and you all can vote if the best boxers were Joe and Jimmy or Jimmy and Sarah. They all were quite a sight. Thanks
a lot for bringing your
wii Gabe ,we really enjoyed it. Hey I noticed you did not participate in the wrestling matches. Whats the matter, not geeky enough for you?
Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and enjoy the coming Holiday also. Read Sarahs blog and take heed. Just enjoy. One of the holiday traditions I really enjoyed was Gene would take all the kids hooky bobbin behind his truck. The kids had a blast and the parents got free babysitting for the afternoon. It was the most fun though when we had snow.