Sounds like a bad movie alias huh? Well it's true, Mary Smith, now Mary Sue Gassert. Or as we all know her as just Sue. The picture on my blog is from the birthday card Sue gave me this year. When you open it you hear a vacuum noise. I have practically worn it out because I think it is so cute and fitting our friendship. I have known Sue since 1978. We met because my husband started working as a carpet layer for her husband Ed.
Well I'll cut to the chase, we finally met and became instant friends. I had a housekeeping business and I believe Sue worked at a factory. She was laid off from her job and decided to start cleaning houses. We worked together off and on for many years. She has worked for the same family for about 30 years and I still work with her part time. I tried to retire in 2002 but misery loves company, so she keeps coercing me to work part time with her.Really I love working with her. She is my best bud and we always have so much to talk about. Those of you who know me know I'm quite a gabber, well Sue gives me a run for my money. Now you may be asking yourself,What does this have to do with anything?? Let me tell you...I believe people come into our lives for all sorts of reasons. Some stay a long time and some just pass on through. However each person contributes something, be it good or bad.
We have stayed friends for so long because we are real and honest with one another. She does not hesitate to tell me if she thinks I'm wrong or right for that matter. She holds me accountable for my actions. She makes me be honest with myself. OUCH, sometimes I wish she would mind her own business.
She has taught me to be a better cook. She has taught me to be more open minded and forgiving reminds me daily how important my family is.She validates my worth as a friend to her.So I will say to Sue, THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND.